


Kyoto ROHM Illumination

Hi..Hi! Welcome bact to Risshisha!
Lately weather is getting colder at Kyoto. 

There is one thing that always make a winter comfort and make our mood feel a warm.blushWhat is that??!!
Yeah!! there is a illumination or light up. surprise

While winter coming, many places around japan will make illumination. They have many different types of illumination themes and  lamps,  it's depended on the city. They will be held an illumination event around 2 weeks and the longest time will be around 1 month. Is good for you to search illumination events before visiting japan. 

And one of the largest  illumination events in Kyoto is ROHM Illumination. This event held every year in winter around 3 weeks to a month. Held by ROHM, the biggest one electric company in Kyoto. They are decorated many of trees around their company. So the Kyoto citizens can enjoy for free their decorated illumination trees.  cool

This event will be held until 2019, 25th of December, its just one week left. So don't miss it while you visit to Kyotolaugh

Event Time : pm 4:45 - pm 10:00
Admission   : Free
URL            : only available in Japanese 


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